Logo Application


Breakthroughs International

Matsko Counseling&Consulting


Brain Gym International is a non-for-profit California based organization that focuses on educational movement therapy. The company is in the process of breaking into several identities, one of which is Breakthroughs International. I have been fortunate to work with this great group of people and deliver a logo they are proud of.


ATC Management

I had the incredible opportunity to intern with ATC Management while I studied abroad in Autumn, 2016. My tasks ranged from assisting the team with creative consulting, logistical administration, and project based implementation.

Specifically, I helped to design tour competitions, "direct to audience" and third party marketing solutions, and company business cards.



This is an organ donor card for a company coincidentally named “Donorcard.” With a new namestyle, logo, and select typography, I was able to establish a hierarchy and aesthetic appeal. 


The namestyle is “Donorcard”. The namestyle should be accompanied by, or include, an appropriately representational symbol. The namestyle must interpret the name typographically so as to create a meaningful and distinctive image that includes a symbol. 

The design is to be used not only on the cards that people carry with them, but on other informational materials as well, so the namestyle must be able to function in both color and black-and-white, as well as at both small and large scales.


but on other informational materials as well, so the namestyle must be able to function in both color and black-and-white, as well as at both small and large scales. It is important that the word “Donorcard” be visually interesting and clear to read: the design should encourage younger people to carry the card, and must make the card instantly recognizable. 


Cabinet of Curiosity Events

Letterhead design for this unique and quirky event company.

More about the Cabinet