Hey There.
Hi, I’m Alex, the founder of MoonSpot Ink, where we design holistic marketing strategies rooted in your core values and the reasons behind your creative journey. We take time to learn what makes you tick so we can frame your ideas into practical strategies to grow your brand’s unique presence in the world.
Holistic Marketing = synthesizing high level factual observations into incremental brand storytelling tactics from the inside, out. -alex NO.EL miller
Alex Noel Miller (they/she) is a nonbinary mixed media Chicago-based recording artist, singer/songwriter, author, marketing professional, and founder of MoonSpot ink, LLC. They are the artist behind moondog, with the support of their communities and chosen family.
An aspiring speaker on marketing psychoanalysis, Alex approaches marketing through The Holistic Marketing Core Method ©MoonSpotInk2022.
Their primary purpose is to show up as an individual and give a crap about humanity by healing forward within the art therapy community to foster a culture of consent.
At MoonSpot ink, we root each client’s project through the framework of liberating end-user autonomy within this system of advertising (any industry in america). Despite navigating a system designed to manipulate a shopper’s purchasing decision to convert a “no” into a “yes” that eventually develops into a “you must… or else,” at MoonSpot ink we get curious about challenging marketing “shoulds” with an inside, out strategy rooted in core values.
We cite our sources. We are committed to holistically growing with our data. To do our best with what we know.
From the team:
We’re working with a version of accountability that is to show up, rest, give a crap and actively take swings to foster a culture of consent in real life community with other humans like you.
If you’re looking to design a scalable holistic marketing strategy for your passion project from the inside, out, to grow forward within the art therapy community in support of consent culture, I invite you to reach out with the contact form. Perhaps we can connect over a virtual coffee to chat.
Alex’s 12 Core Values: Trust. Meaning (because in a world of uncertainty some things make sense, ie. passion imo). Kindness. Awareness. Authenticity. Accountability. Intentionality. Individuality. Transparency. Sustainable Health. Commitment to Growth. Satisfaction (ie. sense of self)
Context (long version)
To be clear, I am not “the” holistic marketer. I often wondered what The Holistic Marketer would look like, until I realized it could literally be any person who is fully present and accepts accountability for all of the holistic facts of what makes up their unique perspective of reality here, now.
I connected these theoretical dots from my own perspective, for my personal core sense of being & wellness, to a tangible and quantifiable action I now call spot. Next time my brain is processing complex PTSD + mental health-related activations in real-time, I can take a deep, safe, breath, and ground my nervous system. Depending on the situation I may use one of my moondog songs as a tool to cycle a particularly intense sensation, usually in hindsight. I’ve been using Feelin’ My Self as a personal toolkit for holding my self accountable to foster marketing without manipulation as I continue to do my best showing up for others, and my self, within this system of capitalism we are in.
Because I am already capable of not getting sucked back into the psychosis of capitalism. And when I clock that I’ve subconsciously or deliberately drifted back into the tide, I can listen to Feelin’ My Self, backed by the moondog soundtrack + two upcoming singles, and tap into these next step resources + opportunities to get involved.
Minding my own business in the realm of emotional regulation is my gateway to clocking my own spatial awareness. In order to have the capacity to show up for others, I have to first have the capacity to associate my physical skin on the outside with my insides and psyche.
After completing the spot processing process, I’m able to hold my self accountable in the physical realm with other humans, including you.
For example, with access to my own spatial awareness I’m now able to hold my self accountable in picking up on my body’s implication within my present social context. This is a key behavioral shift towards dismanteling my internalized white supremacy behaviors I inherited through cultural conditioning. Over the years I continued to develop these nuanced white supremacy behavioral traits by blending discomfort with fear and then eventually intensifying to survival-mode-trauma-responses, because the psysiological response I experienced felt… nearly identical. my body was blending activation. some internalized, some forced from context, some designed by me with the support of my communities. I’m actively learning about this - more on these active and next step resources + opportunities to get involved.
To me, spot is the “processing” process I do throughout my day to ground me in the present. To take time out for myself and to be fully intentional with how I spend my energy. Only from a place of kind transparency and present awareness can I wholeheartedly say I am genuine. spot brings me here, now. So I can be as me as I can. As intentional and here as I am. And to allow myself to put realistic and thoughtful energy into my marketing decisions throughout the day.
Now that we got that covered, I thought… how has my creativity been impacted as a marketer since weaving spot into my routine? It exploded out of me! So I started applying spot to everything… observing how my “processing” process impacted and interacted with the world around me. What I found wasn’t surprising - each spot cycle centered its subject separate from its surrounding objects. I personally geek out at all things branding/sales/mental health, so naturally I channeled all this “processing” passion into this book connecting the dots between daily stress cycles, “shoulds,” and innovative marketing.
I think it’s realistic at least for at least some of us to authentically come from a place where, rather than “making someone else feel something,” we approach marketing through the lens of accountability and commitment to fostering humanity-first initiatives. My hope is you, marketing professional, will find whatever means of emotional regulation works for you, so you have access to your full feelings wheel, your full context, to move forward inside, out. Perhaps this might unlock access to connection, creativity, intentionality, passion, satisfaction, curiosity, inspiration, relationships, awareness of space, ability to stay with self in the face of real-time vulnerability and useful marketing that can incrementally scale across communities.
spot in and of itself was, plainly speaking, life-saving for me. It’s not magic, it’s not easy, and you can bet your bottom dollar it’s as exposing as it is satisfying in my personal pleasure. The long-term benefit is that something at the bottom of my heart has a knowing that my sustainable health blossoms when aware here, now. To trust my future self with the future facts. Trust my past self did my best with the past facts. Trust my self now, that I am a good person doing the best I can with what I know. Because, the only thing I can honestly say is tangible and thus factual is what is here with me in the present. This is inclusive of acceptance of the existence of my personal ego as separate from my core values, my holistic feelings, and physical body’s sensations. This acceptance is the sauce! What’s amazing is that in hindsight, every time I recall being fully present, I poured my self into pure discovery mode. And can in this moment, too. Within my ever-evolving, weaning in and out of expanded capacity to navigate discovery/kind-curiosity/thoughtful-connection-mode I continue to add tiles to my “alley cat mosaic + toolkit.” I continue to add tiles to my mosaic each time I use the spot processing process, too.
spot -> The Holistic Marketer Core Method (THM) -> moondog -> Feelin’ My Self: my personal toolkit for undoing psychological manipulation practices in corporate america via Holistic Marketing (tentative title).
It wasn’t until recently I’ve been able to access this discovery part of my brain again. i'm motivated to foster human connection and grow my communities. spot is what grounded me back to my core values, my self, in the present, no matter the context. spot takes time. spot takes brutal transparency. And spot is intentional, aware, respected, and safe here, now. I’m here for it. Let’s go smoke some shoulds.
xoxo alley cat
(2022, revised 2024)